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It Was That Ski Yoga Photo That Did It

Jill Lawson

Well over ten years ago, I was working on promoting a ski yoga class way back when at the old Dolores Library in Dolores, Colorado. Playing around with poses for a promo photo, I dared to contort my hips into lotus pose wearing my telemark ski boots. That was no easy task, and thankfully I didn't injure my knees in the process. I'm pleased to say the photo came out great, and the ski yoga classes I taught were well received (good marketing makes all the difference!)

I had picked up a yoga magazine at the newsstand in Durango one afternoon because I liked the look of the girl on the cover. She didn't seem like a typical yogi cover model. She was wearing what looked like breakdancing pants, and had high-top sneakers with bright neon socks. The back page of the magazine asked readers to send in "your most bizarre yoga photo" for a contest. The winners were to be featured on the back page, with the opportunity to add a short bio.

I instantly mailed in my ski yoga promo photo. A few weeks later I found out I won the contest. When the publisher asked me to write up a short bio, I asked him if I could write an entire article. "I'm a writer," I said. Sort of. I had been writing some.

"Send us a writing sample and we'll see."

Not only was my work accepted, I was asked to submit more articles, and more photos. The following are a few samples of what I produced in the beginning of my professional writing journey.


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