Go Sweet or Go Snarky? You Tell Me!
A Diet of Soup and Sarcasm: Part Two
Don't Worry! You're Not A Junk Food Eating Lazy Slob
Bone Breathing: A Breath of Fresh Air
A Meditation in Times of Crisis
Excerpts from PARADISE FOUND: The Lithium Edition
Swimming in Color: Unleashing the Creative Mind
The Butterfly Effect
Kick Your Cravings to the Curb
Birthing a Fat Baby At The Kauai Writer's Conference
The Life Changing Magic of a Tidy Mind
A Costco-Sized Can of Whoop-Ass Won't Help Against Energy Vampires
Overcome Pain and Return to Joy
Links, Links, Links: My Writing on the Web
It Was That Ski Yoga Photo That Did It
Money Matters
My Interview With Diamond Dallas Page of DDP Yoga
Ode to Billy Joe
Ocean Meditation
Moonlight Serenade
Headstand Hero
Trust Me, Trust Yourself
Madder Than a Wasp on Fire? Find Your Honeypot of Peace
A Diet of Soup and Sarcasm
Do You Go With The Flow?
Upward Facing Meditation
Java's Magical Journey From Tree To Cup
I am Ready. I Let Go.
Believe It and Bloom
Sweet Dreams: A Meditation for Insomniacs
Graceful Visions
Sky Above, Earth Below, Voice Within
Seven Habits of Highly Unhealthy People
Staying off the Road To Hell
50 Shades of Namaste
Romancing the OM
Brave New Yoga
Patience at a Snails Pace
Another Rainy Day in Paradise
Feed the Flame: A Meditation for Success
Feed the Flame: A Meditation for Success